Unlock Your Consciousness

We’ve become a culture that’s obsessed with locks, of all sorts. Safety, privacy, cyber-security; all have become a focus of attention — have you noticed? And yet, the better our locks get, the better the burglars get. The better our email security gets, the better the hackers get. The more we try to protect our personal information online, the better the cyber-thieves get. Curious…

Trying to prevent bad things from happening may be a good model in some areas of life, but not for your consciousness. Many people have the idea that they need to keep things locked away, not share anything, hold tight to their feelings and thoughts, not be real. And when they do that they appear to be frozen. Actually — they are frozen…

Your consciousness is incredibly powerful. The thing is, that power can only be unleashed when it’s unlocked. You see the dilemma? Locking things securely may be a good model for your house or your car or your email, but NOT for your consciousness.

If you insist on a single viewpoint, you’ll miss every other viewpoint. (Yes, there are many viewpoints.) And in that case, you (literally) won’t know what you’re missing.

Here’s what Harry Palmer says in The Avatar Path: “Protecting or defending a single viewpoint is a refusal to see something in another way. When you lock yourself into certain viewpoints, you also lock yourself out of other viewpoints.”

So if you want to discover and own your power, if you want to deliberately create your path forward in life, you need be willing to try on a range of viewpoints; some of them will be different than what you currently hold. That’s why it’s called “exploring” consciousness.

There are many exciting adventures and explorations in the Avatar Course – and after the course, too…